Inadequate presentation skills can cost you revenue Strong presentation skills are essential for communicating your point, influencing and persuading people, and demonstrating effective leadership. We’ve discussed the advantages of developing your corporate...
Sharpen your presentation skills for the post-pandemic corporate environment As we continue to navigate and shape the post-pandemic corporate landscape, presentation skills are more important than ever. The ability to deliver a compelling presentation is essential to...
Virtual Presence training is essential in 2022 The last two years have brought about many changes in our lives, not least in the realm of leadership and corporate communication. The pandemic accelerated the shift towards remote and hybrid working, and distributed...
When To Choose Between Stories Of Success Or Failure In A Corporate Setting When it comes to storytelling, there is an almost infinite array of options and choices available to you. What kind of story will be the most effective at bringing data to life? Will it be a...
Language To Use And Avoid In A Business Setting What you say – and how you say it – can have a monumental impact on your ability to demonstrate leadership, command respect, and set and influence policy. It can help your employees and colleagues to understand...